TPI Airdrop
Get ready for
the TPI airdrop!
Complete community tasks or provide liquidity to join the competition. Winners can claim $TPI or burn them to get a gNFT for a discounted price.
What is Tonpound? →
First Airdrop
Early Birds
1—30 April 2023
Max. winners:
Total TPI:
43,200,000 TPI
Phase 1
Earn XP by completing social tasks on Crew3 from 1 April to 30 April.
Phase 2
Provide 100 USD worth of liquidity in any token not later than 30 April and hold it to receive airdrop.
Second Airdrop
Late Owls
1—31 May 2023
Max. winners:
Total TPI:
4,800,000 TPI
Phase 1
It will be given to those who significantly boost the value of Tonpound Markets . It is designed as competition between liquidity providers — the goal for five hundred potential winners will be to supply total worth of assets that is higher than that from their peers!
Participants can supply liquidity right at the protocol launch but its tracking begins only 1 May.
Questions & Answers
How many wallets are eligible to airdrop?
Users can not get airdrop from both campaigns at the same time. If one wallet address wins in both contests, it will be assigned to the one with free spots available. If both lists are full, the wallet is assigned to the 1st airdrop campaign and removed from the 2nd.
Can I participate in both airdrop options?
Users can not get airdrop from both campaigns at the same time. If one wallet address wins in both contests, it will be assigned to the one with free spots available prioritizing the first one.
How many TPI will I receive?
Winners get 9600 $TPI distributed over 1 year following the linear vesting schedule which is exactly enough to mint and activate one gNFT.
Do I have to keep my liquidity staked to receive airdrop?
You can withdraw your liquidity from Tonpound at any time during both campaigns. However, if the remaining funds fall below the limit, this would permanently disqualify the participant from the contest!
What can I do with $TPI before claiming it?
Before claiming their monthly $TPI batch, users can burn it to open a gNFT segment for a discounted price! However, if $TPI are already claimed, users will have to spend the full price for a segment unlock.